New Written Accompaniment

The Disfigurment of Our Most Cherished Ideals in  Pursuit of Their Physical Embodiment
The Disfigurment of Our Most Cherished Ideals in Pursuit of Their Physical Embodiment, 2018

Originally written for the Love Politik show at Blackfish Gallery, The Disfigurement of Our Most Cherished Ideals in Pursuit of Their Physical Embodiment finally has its words.

“…Despite attempts to map the unknowable expanse of reality, the totality of existence is axiomatically itself rather than the means used to perceive it. When, however, in the face of our greater humanity, the pursuit of the ideal takes precedence over the real an unavoidable conflict occurs. No matter the passion or progress made in pursuit of the ideal, the reality of the world unavoidably diverges and it is often our reaction to this shortcoming that forms the ultimate outcome of our pursuits…”

You can read the full piece here.

The Love Politik at Blackfish Gallery

My political piece “The Disfigurment of Our Most Cherished Ideals in Pursuit of Their Physical Embodiment” will be part of The Love Politik show opening this First Thursday. The show will run through November, and can be visited either in person or online at I will also be doing a brief Q&A at 8:40 pm.

The Disfigurment of Our Most Cherished Ideals in  Pursuit of Their Physical Embodiment
The Disfigurment of Our Most Cherished Ideals in Pursuit of Their Physical Embodiment, 2018

New written piece

After a long break, I happy to post the short piece The Cave of the Prophet. Here is a preview:

The Cave of Hira

“That such a coexistance is possible however does not reveal itself through an overcoming of the natural law we had perceived as absolute, but rather through a realization of the subjective nature of its delineation. The basis of their truth was built upon an alter of straw, but the overcoming of it is not accomplished by either burning or further building, but rather by seeing something else altogether: that the idol was built from our own hands, and that the manifest truth require neither alters, nor scaffolding.”

You can read the full piece here.