For the Seventh Generation

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be part of The Seventh Generation project this year. My piece, Perpetua, was completed plein air at the Strawberry Hill Wayside on the Oregon coast. I’m excited to be a part of this amazing conservation project, and I will be giving a talk on during the opening night in Lincoln City.

“For The Seventh Generation is about connecting with place over time. We are forming a one-hundred year arts organization whose reason for being is the ocean. We want to make art that functions at the center of human life, not at its edges. Our showcase event is the For The Seventh Generation Project, The one-mile Pano-Mural for the Washington, Oregon, and California coasts. Our guiding sentiment is “Above all else, a healthy ocean.” The lengthy time aspect referred to by the title is from a notion that we need to think within a longer time frame to address our problems. We need to make choices not just for ourselves an our generation, or for our children or even our grandchildren, but to acknowledge that this is the only planet that any of us will ever have, for all species, for all life, and that we share this planet with the future. Our decisions should reflect that.”

Perpetua, 2022
Oil and wax on panel
24” x 48”